Lod Theme for Xperia

by Dosarts MobileArts


not available

Lod Theme for Xperia is based on Material Design colors palette and is optimized for Android Lollipop/Marshmallow Sony stock firmwares.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
How to apply?
Go to Settings/Personalization/Themes, then choose Vallon and click the apply button.
What's themed?
- App Drawer- Settings- Phone- Contacts- Clock- Messages- Email- Xperia Launcher- Calendar- Lockscreen (some changes available only for Marshmallow)
If you want to to know more about my other jobs, visit my Google Plus page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109554816353135833521/109554816353135833521/posts/p/pub
If you have any question or trouble, please email me.